What Makes Tea Good for You?

Tea could be the dried plant Camelia sinensis. Correct tea includes green, dark, white and oolong teas. Consuming two or more glasses of tea each day can supply many health benefits. What's in tea that makes it so special? If you like this and you want more on tea, check out this site when you are finished reading this article.


Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a strong anti-oxidant, has shown remarkable health -promoting qualities in laboratory studies. Incorporated are anti-viral measures, which offer more cold protection than either vitamin C or Echinacea. It really is thought the substances in tea stimulate gammadelta T - cells that improve the bodies own natural immunity against both infections and bacteria. Cavity or gingivitis causing bacteria may also be murdered.

EGCG is really successful at destroying free radicals, which cause cell-mutations that may result in cancer. It actually fights present cancer by preventing the tumors from creating their own blood supply.

Flavonoids, more antioxidants, lower LDL-CHOLESTEROL levels benefiting one's heart and cardiovascular system. These powerful antioxidants protect against hypertension by controlling the generation of a hormone, angiotensin II, which could lead to hypertension. More protection against heart attacks and shots arises from measures that inhibit the development of blood clots. Furthermore, antioxidants show effectiveness in reducing blood glucose and shielding against diabetes.

A diet full of antioxidants may to impede the aging process by targeting free radicals before they got the opportunity to harm cells. Anti-inflammatory properties of these antioxidants also shield against arthritis. A diet full of antioxidants may to impede the aging process by targeting free radicals before they got the opportunity to harm cells.

Anti-inflammatory properties of these antioxidants also shield against arthritis.

Drinking tea supplies significant nutrients for example zinc and folic acid. An eight-ounce cup of tea supplies 25% RDA of manganese, a nutrient vital for bone growth and physique development. Consuming tea hydrates the body and, like a good supply of potassium, helps maintain healthful body liquid ranges. Fluoride strengthens bones and teeth and will help guard against osteoporosis.

So, the very next occasion you need a rest, make it a tea break having a cozy, comforting pot of antioxidants and nutrients!